Introducing promising
real estate investment opportunities
in Japan from the team with over
real estate asset investment and
asset management experience.


Insider access to promising investment opportunities in Japan 通常のマーケットでは見つからない、魅力的な不動産投資をあなたに。

The Japanese real estate market is now recovering thanks to the Prime Minister’s economic policy called “Abenomics”, and the anticipation of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. We can provide foreign investors opportunities to invest into large-scale real estate in Japan previously only available to large institutional investors.


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  • 今日時点および2025年に向けて世界最大の都市圏
  • 東京の都市圏総生産は各国の国民総生産と比較して14番目のランク
  • 東京の不動産利回りはほかのアジア圏(香港、シンガポール、台北等)と比較して魅力的


  • 2%のインフレターゲット
  • 10兆円を超える柔軟な政策
  • Privateな投資を促進する成長戦略


  • 2016年までに500を超える外国法人を誘致
  • 外国法人に対して税金や規制緩和の優遇措置を行うことで誘致を実現


  • 3兆円を超える経済効果予測
  • 20%を超える不動産価格の増加に寄与

Asset management service アセットマネジメントサービス

Asset manager will manage all process of investment, asset management and disposition activities including negotiation with sellers/brokers, financial packages, and so on.
You can just enjoy tracking investment and return, and financial reports through asset manager.


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  • 幅広いネットワークを通じて物件を探します
  • マーケットにでていない案件をご紹介します
  • 取得後の価値向上化をできる案件をご紹介します


  • マーケット内での物件のリポジショニング、リニューアル、コスト削減、テナントとの深い関係性からの積極的なリーシングにより物件自体の価値を最大化させます
  • 物件の所在するエリアに最適なテナントミックスを構築します
  • テナントミックスに沿ったリノベーションを行います
  • 物件の管理を行うプロパティマネージャー、ビル管理会社の適切な選択・管理を行います


  • マーケットのモニタリングを行うことで適切な売却のタイミングを提案します
  • 案件ごとに最適な売却手法を提案・実施します

Asset Management Team アセットマネジメントチーム

Over 10Billion USD investment and asset management experienced team manages your investment. Hoop Partners offers attractive financial packages by domestic lenders, and provides property level value creation, market-leading real estate services, and asset management service to you.


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    Toshiyuki hirayama

    Hirayama co-founded Hoop Partners in 2012 in order to provide market-leading real estate services after leaving from private equity fund called Asia Pacific Land specialized in Real Estate managing $3.6Billion in Japan. As Representative in Japan, he has grown APL’s Japan business by sourcing, driving and executing major transactions.
    He has more than 12 years of real estate development, management, leasing, brokerage and finance experience with the Acquisitions team.
    Prior to joining APL in 2002, Hirayama was a Division Manager at Nomura Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. where he spearheaded the first retail development project structured with Western style finance in Japan. Hirayama received a Masters in Business Administration in Finance from Leicester University and both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Architecture from Kobe University.

    • 20年以上の不動産投資・開発・マネジメントの経験
    • 前職はアジア・パシフィック・ランド・ジャパンの日本における代表者
    • シェアハウスのオペレーションの会社の代表も兼務
    • MBA
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    Norihiro matsudaira

    Norihiro officially joined Hoop Partners from 2014. Until then, he has worked for Hoop Partners at a part-time basis, and mainly worked for MOVIDA Japan as an accelerator and Genuine Startups Fund as an investment officer after graduating from IE Business School in Madrid, Spain, with MBA. During MBA candidate, he worked for investment banking division at Goldman Sachs as summer associate. Previously, he has 6 years of experience in acquisition and fundraising in APLJ. As a vice-president of an investment team, he has executed and invested over $2.0 billion with equity and non-recourse loan from various investors and lenders. Before that, he was working for Nihon L’Oreal, subsidiary of L’Oreal group, as financial controller.
    He received Master of Business Administration (MBA) from IE Business School, and also holds a CPA from the USA and a Real Estate Brokerage License from Japan.

    • 7年以上の不動産投資経験
    • APLJのアクイジションにてVPとして投資業務に従事、Goldman sachsにてIBDを経験
    • MBA, 米国公認会計士
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    Director, Sales

    Koji sato

    Sato joined Hoop Partners in May, 2013. With over 20 years of experience in the real estate industry, Sato was brought on to strengthen sales and sourcing activities. Prior to Hoop Partners, Sato worked for various projects including retail development and retail portfolio restructuring in APLJ as an asset manager.
    Before APLJ, he was responsible for sales activities in Plusment Partners, where he provided real estate investment and advisory services. At his time in Familymart (a major convenience store chain in Japan) and Parco (A major department store chain), Sato gained valuable experience in sales.
    He has a real estate broker licence, an AFP license (Financial planner), and a Real estate consulting certificate.

    • 20年以上の不動産投資・開発・マネジメントの経験
    • APLJにてアクイジション、開発、アセットマネジメントに従事、パルコ、ファミリーマートにて店舗開発の経験
  • Introduction of promising real estate investment opportunities in Japan
